
The Newest Way To Increase Instagram Story Views In 2023

Instagram story is one of the most powerful marketing features on Instagram. Businesses that are active on Instagram are fully aware of the importance of stories and are looking for ways to increase Instagram story views.

The Instagram story has a great effect on increasing the followers and visibility of your page on Instagram and as a result, increasing interaction; For this reason, the number of Instagram story visits is very important.

The lack of Instagram story visits is one of the concerns that page owners face.
What are the ways to get top views on Instagram stories?

We are here to help you to increase the views of your story:

Hashtags and Useful Effects in increasing Story visits

It is very important to follow the important and effective principle of using hashtags in the story and to know the important techniques in this field well in order to increase the number of Instagram story views.

The correct use of hashtags in the story has a great impact on your Instagram story views.
Please note that when using hashtags, be sure to follow the following:

  • It is forbidden to use irrelevant or repetitive hashtags
  • Don’t overdo the use of hashtags
  • Avoiding spam hashtags
  • Using the hashtags of your competitors on Instagram
  • Creating a special hashtag
  • Following the example of popular pages
  • Use of trending hashtags

Utilize Hashtags and Locations in Your Instagram Stories. Both methods are practical for increasing your visibility and gaining more followers. If you want to use these options but don’t want to clutter your story with what’s commonly referred to as ‘stickers,’ you can employ the following trick: Enter a hashtag or location and minimize it using pinch and zoom gestures until it’s no longer visible.

Hashtags and useful effects in increasing story visits

Using a poll or Poll sticker

One of the popular stickers to enhance the story is the Poll sticker.

Use Hashtags!

Hashtags are a useful tool for increasing views and reach on Instagram posts, but did you know that you can also boost the views of your Instagram Stories by using hashtags?

Using relevant and appropriate hashtags is a trick for increasing views on Instagram Stories. It’s interesting to know that you can use various hashtags in your Stories and attract your target audience. Therefore, it’s better to use hashtags to increase the views of your Stories.

Respond to Your Direct Messages

Sometimes, your followers might respond to your Stories by sending a direct message, commonly known as a ‘reply.’ It’s a good practice to respond to these messages because it builds trust with your audience. Remember that engagement has a significant impact on increasing the views of your Stories, so it’s a good idea to respond to your direct messages.

Craft Your Stories Like Narratives

People love engaging stories with a good structure. Try to narrate your Instagram Stories just like a well-crafted book or movie. In other words, your Stories should have a beginning, middle, and end.

Stories that are published with a structured format captivate your audience and reduce early exit rates (meaning the number of users leaving your Story). Instagram offers multiple features in Stories that you can use to enhance your Story’s views. So, make use of various formats like photos, videos, boomerangs, text, and gifs to create a well-rounded content mix.

Your Stories should be comprehensible and align with your branding from a design perspective. Ensure that the graphics of your Stories harmonize with your page’s theme and your brand’s aesthetics.

Use Location Tags!

Utilizing location tags is another way to increase views on Instagram Stories. When a user searches for a specific location tag on Instagram, they can see who has used that tag. With this tool, you can easily boost the viewership of your Stories and, ultimately, attract more customers.

Thoughtful Content

Like any other post on social networks, Instagram Stories should be part of an overall brand communication strategy. Therefore, the design of stories should align with this strategy. The alignment of content and the appearance of stories with the regular feed holds special importance.

To merge these two elements meaningfully, you can, for example, refer to a series of stories in the feed by introducing a topic. You can also repost feed posts or current trends in your story and promote them in this way. This not only attracts more attention to your posts but also ensures deliberate storytelling.

Focus on Interactions

Interactions can be specifically generated through Instagram Stories using three tools. On one hand, there’s the question sticker, which allows you to gather the community’s opinions on specific topics and then share them.

On the other hand, there are polls, the results of which are also shareable. The third option is to have your followers rate a statement. This way, viewers of your stories feel engaged, and their perspectives are taken seriously.

However, the potential for interaction with users goes beyond these tools. For instance, you can verbally or textually ask questions in a video and solicit responses from your community via direct messages. You can then post these responses as screenshots in your story and reuse them.

You can also encourage your followers to use a hashtag to create content, which can then be reshared as user-generated content.

Publish more videos to your story

One of the strategies that will help your Instagram page grow a lot is publishing more videos in the story.

Research has shown that Instagram’s current audience likes visual content better than textual content. So, if you want to increase your page views and posts, don’t neglect video content.

Create content consistently

Continuity in content production is one of the most important factors of success on Instagram.
Continuously producing content will increase your page views, stories, and also increase your page views.

To increase story views, transfer part of the post content to the story!
One of the best ways to increase the number of views of a story is to include part of the content of the posts in the story

Post at least one post and one story per day and try to do this in any situation and in any way.

Respectful request to like, comment and subscribe

After you publish your content, at the end of your content, ask your audience to leave a comment for you and like your post.

Creating interaction with the audience can have a great effect on increasing your Instagram page views.

Creating a content table or calendar

It is very important that order is an important feature of your work, professional admins usually have a schedule or calendar for their content, this gives an important message to your audience, and that is that on this particular page, according to important rules and principles, post is sent and these stories or posts are not sent randomly.

Creating a content table or calendar

Post at the Right Time

Like any other social network, there are specific times on Instagram when posting is highly valuable, and this holds true for Stories as well. Even though, unlike regular posts, they are prominently visible at the top of the feed, the newer the story, the higher up it’s displayed to users.

However, there are varying opinions about the best times to post a story. Posting during the week is generally more valuable compared to weekends. Specifically, on Saturdays, many people are busy with leisure activities and spend less time on social media.

Additionally, there is a common belief that posts shared in the morning tend to get more views since many users scroll through social media before work or school. Afternoons also see a fair amount of user activity. On the other hand, midday posts tend to have less significance statistically, often receiving the lowest number of followers’ engagement.

Pay Attention to Quality

Instagram has long ceased to be a platform solely for posting random, instant photos. Instead, users expect high-quality photos and engaging audio. It’s a practicality that Stories also allows you to upload photos saved on your smartphone, which you can then edit to your liking. Many channels rely on stories that are meticulously designed and edited.

Save Stories in Highlights

Such stories can be permanently saved as highlights and presented in your profile, organized by topic. This provides potential new followers with additional insight into your active profile and makes it easier for them to explore old stories and find things they may have ‘missed’.

Don’t Make Them Too Long

Users can quickly see how many segments a story consists of by looking at the bar at the top of the story. If several individual clips are displayed here, essentially forming a long video, many people won’t bother to watch all the content.

On the other hand, stories are ideal for ‘snackable’ content – content that is entertaining and easy to consume. So, use them to tell a short story.

Holding live to increase Instagram story views

About the topic you have on your page, try to hold a live session with the experts of that topic. Live makes your interaction with the audience more and increases their sense of trustworthiness.

Publish user-generated stories

To increase Instagram story views, you can use user-generated content related to that service instead of publishing duplicate content to make your stories more attractive.

Publish user-generated stories

Use the location to increase the views of the story

When you post a location in a story, your post will be displayed in Explorer for users in that area. So if your story is about a specific location, be sure to include it in the story

Don’t forget the mention

One of the options of Story is the ability to mention or address users. Using this option, when combined with creativity, can increase your story’s traffic. For example, imagine you have a t-shirt sales page on Instagram.

Don't forget the mention

Someone with a lot of followers bought one of your t-shirts and posted a post where they are wearing the t-shirt they bought from you. When you mention it, he will most likely visit your story.
edited 20:07

Final Note

Instagram is one of the largest and most successful social media platforms in the world. One key determinant: is the performance of Stories. Companies, private users, influencers – everyone uses this popular format. But how can you ensure that your stories are seen by more of your followers? Here, you’ve become familiar with 15 tips for increasing Instagram Story views.

If you have any experience in this field, please share it with us.

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