
How To Write A Creative Caption On Instagram? Ways To Increase Engagement With Captions

When we publish a post on Instagram, we only have 1-2 seconds to grab people’s attention. Since the first look will be on the image or video, we need to create a high-resolution creative. But this is not enough, of course, a strong visual component attracts the attention of our audience, but it is not enough to attract more and high engagement. After attracting attention with an image or video, we must be able to maintain attention with explanatory text and encourage them to see the post or even follow our page. This process can turn a visitor into a follower or even a Buyer of our services or products.

Part of your content on social networks is a good caption that can well express the topic of your post as a complement to your desired image or video. But what is the meaning of the caption and how can you write the best caption on the Instagram platform.

What is an Instagram caption?

We call the text that we write under Instagram posts to give more explanations about that post to the audience, Instagram caption. Instagram caption includes text, emoji, #hashtag and @mention.

Now you might be asking, “Sometimes famous people or popular accounts upload posts on Instagram and don’t write captions or use hashtags. But they get thousands of likes and hundreds of comments without writing a single word. How does this happen?”

Of course, with the fame factor; Getting high engagement is normal. Because people see these popular accounts as important, powerful, and many people follow or interact with them.

This is while most people, brands and businesses do not have this fame factor and they do not reach the same level of interaction (compared to famous pages) just by publishing a good image or video.

How to write a caption?

Now that we understand exactly what a caption is, we are faced with the question, what points should we pay attention to when writing a caption for a post? What should we do so that the audience reads our caption, is fascinated by it and shows our desired reaction? Caption writing should be considered exactly the same as a textual content or a textual article.

How do you post a catchy on Instagram?

The main structure of an article is determined as follows:

  • Title
  • Lead
  • Introduction
  • Body text
  • Conclusion and appeal

In the captions you see, you may not see these parts clearly like in an article, but if you pay attention, you can see these things in a unified and continuous manner in different captions. Sometimes the title is the important text that you put on the photo or video to encourage the audience to follow your content. The lead is the first one or two lines of the caption, and after that we see the introduction and the main body. At the end, we conclude in our caption and ask the audience to express their feedback (CTA).

Tutoring captions on Instagram

To write a good and professional caption, you should consider the following:

Your caption should appeal to your target audience.

We all know that the title should be interesting. For whom this title should be attractive, it is a point that should be paid attention to. Many different factors, such as the age, socioeconomic status, and occupation of your target readers, will affect how you word your caption.

Just as content that appeals to business owners and content aimed at high school students differ in language and tone, the choice of caption should capture the attention of the target audience. and match their level of insight and interests. Just as referencing a popular 80s TV series is ineffective in a caption aimed at students, using internet acronyms for high school students in a caption aimed at moms is equally ineffective.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing Good Instagram Captions


The most basic step to writing a good caption is to find an interesting and engaging idea to impress the audience and keep them interested in continuing your content. So, before writing a caption, be sure to think about different ideas and the structure of your caption and finally implement the best idea.

Make some drafts first

Have you ever noticed that the best caption comes to your mind exactly when you publish your article? You say to yourself, “Wow, I wish I could write like that.” So don’t rush. Draft a few sentences for the caption of your article and ask your colleagues which one is better. Do not rush at all.

The beginning of the caption should be stormy

Remember that if you want the audience to read your caption, you must start it in the most interesting way possible.

You must have seen that Instagram first shows the first two sentences of the caption to the audience, and to read the entire caption, he must click on the “more” option. Instagram gives you 2,200 characters to show your full potential, so write catchy and catchy, especially those first two lines.

  • In the following, we will teach you some extremely cool and practical tricks.
  • Write a sentence that criticizes the rest:
  • Why are other bloggers so yellow in their content?
  • Write a question that engages the audience’s mind:
  • How to write a caption that gets more likes and comments?
  • Write a sentence that creates curiosity:
  • Yesterday someone said they wanted to unfollow my account, but…
  • Make a trick that will encourage the audience to read:
  • Do not read the caption! 🙂 / Don’t open the caption…

As you have seen in all these examples, the title of the caption should be so attractive that the audience becomes curious and definitely clicks on the more button.

It doesn’t matter if you have a blog, a restaurant, an Instagram store, or a flower shop; Any business you have, you must first know your audience and write attractive captions using the tips we mentioned.

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